Monday, February 05, 2007

TV:Onion & Garlic!!!

As u all kno, d EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA LONG show(which had 100++ episodes), Onion & Garlic ended a few days ago.....2 those yg xtau, actually, the original one was a Malaysian version did ages ago but d Indon one was more popular it seems.....anyway....pls vote 4 d poll on d left....

-X bes la ending camtu- (Ibu Peri)
-->These words were said by "Ibu Peri", a huge fan of Andre(who got killed in d finale). Wanna kno who's "Ibu Peri"? Find out yrself:p

-Mcm mana dgn Ratapan Anak Tiri?(anonymous)


Anonymous said...

Hei, i guest this onion & garlic series must have taught us all a very useful lesson huh!! I mean the story was stretched so long with unnecessary stories! If u can still remember, there were just so many times where we could all see that at one point garlic would be at the front and the next moment, it would be the onion. BRAVO to the directors who successfully tricked and deceived us all into watching the drama. I have 2 admit that at the beginning point i kinda like the story but when things started going like the way i said above, I realised that this director tengah "goreng" cerita dia agar boleh dipanjangkan. You know, people today just want to make money. So this is how they do it. Think about it. Oh ya, by the way, you should have seen Reena when she was here at Segamat; how she made a ruckus whenever the serials were going to be aired.

Anonymous said...

ratapan anak tiri serius bez!!
sedey ngat..
n best sket drp onion n garlic coz bdak tu x de la lembik cam garlic (al)!

Anonymous said...

Hello Erah!! Be aware alright. Just make sure u don't get deceived by these indon directors again. Always remember, the ending may not be as sweet as how it begins.

Anonymous said...

ganer ending citer tu????

A. said...

wargh!! i didn't get to see!! biar aku x minat pun citer ni (sume org dlm citer fasik blaka!!) tp at least nak tgk laa jugok ending nisa kata andre mati?? oh well..can't say i have

Anonymous said...

PU PERI!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ANANTH memang defend giler citer onion n garlic...WOW!!